If you don't already have a successful attacking style of your own, you need to learn to pick up one of the following and get good at it.
Gowiwi/Gowiwipe/Gowipe TH9/10
This is the most powerful ground troop composition. Also the most forgiving kind when it comes to map layout. Air raiding is very limited to how the ADs are positioned but ground attack is not so sensitive. Although for Gowiwi Gowipe, the more spread the better. If walls are not clustered together, you might even be able to three star a strong base.
The concept is to use Golem as your meat shield to distract defenses so that your firing troops such as valk, wiz and witch can take out building structures. Pekka and Heros are used to rage into core to take out TH.
For TH9, here is Kitty's classic Gowiwipe combo :
18 wiz,7 wbs, 3 golems, 2 pekkas,2 witches. For a total of 250 including CC space.
Then carry 2 rages,1 jump and 1 lighting to kill off CC troops
Normally with this troop I am able to two star any TH9 and three star a lot of weak ones.
For TH10, Zedd and White have different compositions. Here is one sample I often use as Zedd:
3 golems, 2 pekkas, 4 witches, 8 wbs and rest all wiz. 2 Freeze, 1 jump and 2 rage.
White run likes to throw in max valks instead of witches and use less wiz.
Check out the following tutorial as how to gowipe
Lavaloonion TH9/10
This is Gowipe Air Style!! Same concept. Use hound as meat shield while balloons and minions go to work. This attack strategy is aiming at attacking higher TH9 and TH10. You don't need this to attack TH8. The normal Balloonion can wipe out any TH8 with max balloons.
I have tried personally and watched many videos. Here is the troop my kitty account used to three star a weak TH10 with one inferno. Kitty only has lvl 2 hound and lvl 5 minions.
3 hounds, 24 loons, rest minions. 2 rage, 1 lighting and 1 heal. To master Lavaloonion, you first must have max balloons and at least lvl 5 minions
For TH10, try this :
3 hounds, 29 loons, 13 minions, rest archer wiz to take out CC troops. 2 freeze,3 rage.
Check out this post for some pro Lavaloonion tutorials:
Top Clan warring with Lavaloonion and Great Tips
Balloonion TH8/TH9
Balloonion is very powerful against bases that have no xbows and relatively compact. If you have max loons and lvl 4 minions, you can most certainly wipe out any TH8 as long as you kill CC smartly.
My favorite composition is :
32 max loons, 10 archers, 3 wiz and 32 minions. I carry 6 loons in CC.
I use two rages and 2 heals. Rage and heal balloons when they are close to ADs. NEVER drop balloons too separately from each other. You want to mass raid them together.
Also, you must kill CC. if you left just 2,3 wiz and some archers in enemy CC, you are one piece of dead meat.
Mass Dragons for TH7/8/9
All dragons is an expensive but most powerful attacking unit for lower level players. IF you can take ADs into consideration, a TH7 lvl 2 dragon army can three star a weak TH8 base. A base without Air Defense cannot stop dragon units. So don't think you can just drop the dragons and go. You must do everything possible to get rid of these ADs as soon as possible. There are a few ways to do that. One is to use some other troops to get rid of the ADs on outer skirt of the map. Or use 3 lighting spells (if level 4 +) to kill the deep AD. Or you can use rage spells and place the dragons near the ADs to quickly take them out.
Mass dragon raid is probably one of the very few attacking methods that can afford ignoring the CC troops. When they come out in a cluster, one fire ball can kill most of them.
Here is a demo of a good dragon raids. Watch how the player take ADs into consideration and how he places his dragons
Hogging (TH8/TH9)
First of all, do not use mass hogs on most TH9 bases and you will absolutely fail on strong TH10 unless you mix hogs with something else because you can't heal your hogs when infernos are onto them. Hog days is over folks!! But if the map is right, you can still three star most TH8 or lower bases. Unless you are bubblechild, don't try to hog TH8 with your lvl 1 hogs. They are too fragile.
To mass hog, you must lure CC and kill them. Have 34 hogs, all heal spells and rest archer and wiz to take out cc troops and outter buildings.
Giants/Healer/Wiz (TH7/TH8)
This is not a great war combo but for most lower level players who don't have golem nor pekka, this may be your best option.
Use about 18 giants, 2 healers at least, 2 heal spells and 1 rage.Some wallbreakers to get your giants through and use wiz to take out buildings. Do not use too many barbs but carry some archers.
Example for 180 space and assume 20-25 space in CC:
CC troops: max wiz or max pekks if you have 25 space
18 giants, 2 healers, 8 wallbreakers, 18 archers barbs, 8-13 wiz, 2 heal, 1-2 rage.
Giants are very bad when it comes to traps so have a couple barbs to test out the bombs and spring traps before release giants. Place them closer to an Air Defense and heal them when they take out AD. Then you can release a healer. Healer is key for giants raids, so you want to keep healer away from AD and put them down strategically. Place wiz behind giants so they go to work while being protected.
Hybrid (All levels)
This is the most sophisticated raiding style. You mix certain troops into your Gowipe or Lavaloonion or Balloonion or Giants raid. Squatting Bear used to do half giants and half hogging and he was fairly successful dealing with TH8. A TH10 guy we used to war against likes to mix 10 balloons to take out outter skirt defenses on max TH10 bases so he can achieve 50% for the second star. There is also a Chinese clan used 14 hogs mixed with Gowipe to three star max TH9 bases if certain sections are compact enough.
You can review some of their replays here as how they three starred Whiterun, Brett and a near max TH9 base we had by using hybrid gowipe with hogs.
Replays of a Chinese clan three starring us
The point is, you have to know what you are doing and know exactly why you mix certain troops. Randomly putting a troop together will not win you stars!
******* WHAT NOT TO DO IN WAR **********
1. Do not mix dragons pekkas, witch, balloons or whatever you feel like. You will fail! If you want to be in our clan, you must adapt to a war troop composition. Once you get real good, you can then try the hybrid and start mixing.2. Do not go above your ranking to attack if you are a TH7/8/9 player. We don't consider 2 starring a TH8 or weak TH9 base as a "good raid". Not by our standards. Go low on your first raid. Drop at least 5 - 10 bases.
3. If you barch without permission, you are booted
4. If you loot for your personal gain, you are booted. We will tell you when you can loot in war.
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