Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Each Loss is an opportunity to improve

We haven't lost a war in a long while. If you look back in the days when we were still learning how to gowipe and trying to two star a TH9, we have come a loooong way. However, there is always room for improvement. There are always better and stronger clans out there so I encourage everyone to take this opportunity to learn a few things from this war.

Here is my takeaway :

Key to make this clan a better one is to improve our ability to three star tougher bases.

The reason we lost this war is because they are able to three star many of our tough TH9 bases but we couldn't. When defenses got stronger, our gowiwipe don't work as well. So here are some of my suggestions for you to try :

1. Gowipe guys try to practice gowiwi. That's how this clan is able to three star us. I built a new page called "3 Star Showcase" to show you some examples how to three star max TH9. I only have some Gowiwi examples. I will build out some air raids later and capture some of our own replays.

2.TH8 lvl 3 dragon raiders, You must learn how to raid dragons properly. You can't just drop the dragons and just go and hope things will happen on its own. You must learn how to take every AD into consideration and mix with other troop types to knock out ADs. Please review this old post I did and pay attention to the dragon raiding tips
TH8 War attacking strategies

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