Congrats to Amrit and Aztec for winning the comp.
Current leaders: Amrit 24.5, Aztec 23. Will 17.5, Seb 6, kitty 4.5, Sadak/Zedd/White/South 3Description
This comp is used to train us to become better three star raiders or take down badass max bases. For Th10, our goal is to two star a well established TH10 with active infernos
1.For TH7/8/9, three star a TH of your level and you get 3 points.
2.Rushed TH gets 1.5 point deduction.
3.Max or near max gets 2.5 point bonus. Max means at least 50% defenses are maxed
4. If you two star a TH above you and it's legit, meaning Th9 must have xbows, TH10 must have one active inferno, you get 2.5 points extra.
5. If you are TH9 and two starred a max TH9, you get 3
6.For Th10, you get 3 points for two starting a Th10. Same rule apples to rushed or maxed adjustment.
Anything goes. Use whatever you want. Raid as many time as you want. Highest accumulating points win.
$25 card, two winners. Share you replay or send kitty two screenshots. One shows the map, one shows the result
Comp ends Monday night 6pm EST.
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