Monday, December 29, 2014

War Prep Notes. New TH7 TH8 Fresh TH9 Must read

Coleaders and TH10 folks: your job this time is to ensure TH7/8 are supervised based on the following suggestions.

As a clan, our objective is to three star all TH8 and try to three star bases 17 and below. So for All TH9, use your first raid to drop to 17 and below and hold off your second raid. So we can assess if we need to clean bases or not. However, the core TH9 still need to attack higher for two stars.

For TH10, don't touch top 4 until the last. Get two to three on rest of the TH10 maps. And try three star 7. White can try that one.

This is the first time we are going for 35 base war in a long time. So TH7/8 players must put on their A game to carry parts of the load. TH9 can no longer cover the entire war like what they did before. So for TH7/8, your both raids will be targeting low bases. No attacking high in this war because we need to win!!! And the clan will need you to three star bottom bases.

So I will shout out your names and suggest what you do.If your names are not listed, just check in with a CO and do your usual thing.
Sirfancy, Legit, Alan, Sunny, Dan please change your war bases. They are easy hogging dragon bases. Alan Legit, move your TH to the center please.

Jay and Priss, your best bet is all lvl 1 dragons with all rage spells. Go for bottom bases. Carry max balloons in your cc.

Dbagg, WhiteDragin, King Ryan, Sunny: Use all lvl 2 mass dragons and carry max balloons in your CC. Objective is three star bottom bases using both your raids. Good dragon bases are 29,33,34,35. No attacking high unless bottom 5-6 bases are three starred. Thank you.

Legit, Dan Camp, Griffin: You have gowipe lvl 1. Must use Gowipe, no mass archers, giants, barbs stuff. Get either max wiz or pekka from TH10. Form a full on Gowipe army. Your targets are 25,28,30,31,32. No attacking high unless bottom 10 bases are three starred. Thank you

SirFancy: You have pekka but no Golem and your Giants Wiz are good. So form a Giants/Pekka/Wiz army and go ground with healing and rage spells.  You will be targeting bottom 5 bases unless they are all three starred.

AlanHuang: You have golem but no pekka. So form an army with Golem and giants, healer and wiz. No mass archers barbs. Use a golem and follow by wiz behind golem. Also stay under 27 unless they are three starred.

If you ranked 20 below, you MAY NOT go above 25 unless they are all three starred. No attacking high this time for both of your raids until all lower bases are cleared.

Air guys will have to be flexible and raid based on maps and needs for stars. That include South Sadak and Moose. For TH9 guys good air bases are 23,24,26,

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