Tuesday, October 13, 2015

GoHog in depth - how to three star max TH9 with Golem Hog combo

Another post about Golem Hog combo because we have seen some massive successes and massive failures too.

Here is what I concluded as how to three star a max TH9 with GoHog.

1. Most importantly, where are the double giant bombs (DGB). In some cases you can still use hogs even the maps have DGB, what matters is where they are located at. Can you either eliminate them first before you send in hogs? Can you avoid them? If you answer yes, then go for it. But most definitely take that into consideration. I have seen ppl sending a few hogs to designate just one of them or use gowi heros to take them out. Or if they are placed poorly, you can avoid them all together, which is shown in the following video.

 2. You gotta get rid of the heroes or at least the queen. AND you also need to rid of CC. If CC and queen are together, bingo, send in Gowiz Heroes and hopefully you take care of the business. If CC is far away from Queen, you want to lure the cc out first kill them, or you can lure them out and make them walk over to where queen is, then release your CC golem and send in Wiz and take care of Queen and CC together. Either way, get rid of CC and Queen or you are dead meat.

 3. Now, the main part. The hog part. I saw many successful attacks don't wait till your gowiz heroes are depleted then send them in. They are sent in almost as soon as CC and queen are dead. The most critical factor as how successful your attack will be is to calculate your hogging path. Where they will go next? where should you drop heal? The most deadly defenses against hogging other than DGB is wiz tower, they can zap all of your hogs away so make sure you heal by wiz tower. According to the guy in video, 3 hogs can take down a single target defense so if there are one archer tower and one wiz tower, you need minimum of 6 of them assuming no other defenses are nearby. So definitely don't separate your hogs too much if there are a lot of defenses around, they won't last.

 4. Skeletons chase your hogs around and smash them till they are dead. Not sure how to deal with that one if you don't know where they are. All the successful attacks didn't show skeletons or they were handled by the Golem wiz Heroes part. This is really a wild card in my opinion.

Anyway, this guy does fairly good job explaining the thinking process and analysis behind gohogging. Check it out

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