Thursday, October 22, 2015

TH10 Survival Strategies

TH10 war raids are tough. Sometimes you just don't know how to get to the center or stay afloat with 50%. I am going to dedicate this thread to showcase some TH10 strategies.

General tips for TH10 raiders:

1) First of all, I think it's a good idea for TH10 players to start pushing to Master and start getting used to achieving 50% to win raids. Loose the farming troops and try with lavaloons, hogs, golems etc. The bonus will make up for your cost of the troops. Watch some pushing videos which are all about 50%.

2) practice surgical attack deployment. Design your attack around the maps. For example, if ground defense are far away from infernos and ADs, use loons to take them out before sending ground troops to ease the firepower in general. If the map is tight, use quake to open up. So point is, no one size fits all so study the map and plan out your attack

3) Watch the elite clan three starring TH10. I have attached One Hive clan's war recap here. Check it out. You will see they really tailor their troops and attack strategy per the map. For example, a map with lvl 3 single target infernos will wreck your golems, but mass giants got the job done. A map with outer skirt ADs are ideal for Golaloon.

4) Funnel and pathing management is key to your 2 star success. You will see most elite clans are ditching freeze and go with quake or jump. 4 jump and a rage is very common now. The point is, your troops need to go to core as quickly as possible. Time is money. That 2,3 seconds will make or break your raid. Funnel is huge. It's a method to keep your main troops on path while having other troops (wiz or minion) taking out building structures to force your main troops to go a certain direction. All good players know how to use funnel concept to direct where your troops would go. You won't be surprised and yell "My troops went outside" if you funnel right.

Here are the videos for your entertainment. Check them out.

 Here is a video of TH9 attacking TH10 with surgical attack.

here is a video shows how to use mass golems and jumps to conquer ringus. Note even the heroes are max in the video, they were unharmed even after TH falls.

Now onto war raids with TH10. Unfortunately, higher heroes do play a major part of your success. I did find some videos showing how to 2 star TH10 without max heroes. The most important thing is to plan ahead per the map layout. You have to have a plan with all your troops. Check out the following two videos talking about how to conquer TH10 with mid level heroes.

  Here is an all elite TH10 clan war raids recap showcase three starring techniques
I will keep updating when I find good stuff to show.

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