Wednesday, November 26, 2014

KItty's Green Wizzie Contest(closed) : Starts now ends Friday 6pm EST

Final winner is Sadak and Amrit. Sadak came in pretty late to the game but beat Muzi by a  hair. Congrats guys

Great job killing the war guys!!! So to spice up your Thanksgiving turkey dinner, here is a fun comp to do.

1. Use only goblins and wall breakers. Heros and spells OK. you can carry anything in ur cc
2. 1 dark elixir is equivalent to 100 regular. Add all of your loot together, most loot wins
3. 1 winner from TH9/10, 1 winner from 6,7,8
4. Winner gets $15 iTune or google play car
5. Comp ends when next war starts. Estimating 6pm EST on Friday.

Have fun!!!

Current leaders :
Muzi leads TH9 with 642430 and Amrit leads TH7,8 with 762,677. First pic shows each of the player used only gobs,wbs and CC, second pic shows their total loot :

Saturday, November 22, 2014

War against ERROR

This one will be tough cuz they know what they are doing. The only way we can win is to get as many three stars as possible. I bet both teams have enough hitting power so it is matter of who can fetch most of the three stars. The rest bases must be two starred.

So here is the plan for the first raid :
- All Gowipe lvl 1 and air raiders including lvl 3 dragons stay between 19-25
- Hogging : only max hoggers can hog. So seejay can take 17 and Bear can take 16
- If you have lvl 2-4 Gowipe, try three starring bases between 12 - 18. So here is a suggestion of base assignment :
Brett 12
Batman 13
Will 14
Aztec or Muzi  15
Bear 16
Seejay 17
Aztec or Seb 18
Seb or Seth 19

Kitty will wait, either clean or do 11.

White and Zedd have the job to two star all TH10... Then take out one TH9.

Then let's two star the rest of the max TH9.. That's the best we can do.. So let's deliver together.

Work Sux so I make Clash Memes

What does Kitty do after working 100 hours??? Other than eating lots of oats and goats. I make/collect Clash Memes. Enjoy!!!!

First up, original creation by kitty, dedicated to my beloved Squatting Teddy Bear, cuz he hates Care Bears :)

That's for Kitty bullying TH3 with Goblins and White's Hound and won the war

This is for you new guys.. 

And this is for all you giants haters

Seejay, Bear, James you hog lovers..Try this at home

And did anyone say "wizzies"?? Think Harry heard us..

Monday, November 17, 2014

Brett's Trophy Push Comp. 24 hours

Thanks to Brett for hosting the trophy push comp.
Rules: anything goes. Most trophy gain within 24 hours wins. Comp starts 6pm EST today ends tomorrow at 6pm. 1 winner from TH9/10, 1 winner from TH7/8. $10 google or itune card.

here are the screenshots of current trophy counts

Good luck!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

1st Comp of the new clan (closed) : Take Down Infernos and XBows

Alright guys, first comp of the new clan is up. Hosted by Kitty. Ends tomorrow 4pm EST

Objective: destroy as many infernos and xbows as possible during a 24 hour time period. Accumulate points when you destroy them. Most points win.

1. Anything goes. no restrictions on army spell heros etc.
2. Points system: when you take down an inferno or xbow, u get points based on it's level :
Infernos: lvl 3 = 5 points, lvl 2= 4. lvl 1 = 3.
xbows: lvl 3 = 3, lvl 2 = 2, lvl 1 = 1
TH10 gets 50% deduction on xbow points. TH8 players get 50% bonus points on infernos.
3 You can raid as often as you want. It will be an honor system so keep track of your points and let me know when I am on.

Top 2 winners win $15 each. 

This is one of the very few comps I will be competing against all of you so watch out :)

Congrats to Seth and Will for winning the comp

Friday, November 14, 2014

Seejay is a girl!!!

I don't wanna sound like chicken little... Buuuuuut.. SEEJAY IS A GIRL! SEEJAY IS A GIRL! SEEJAY IS A GIRL!!!!!
And she is a Broncos fan! Hooray!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Who we are

Thanks to White Run for starting this new clan. Kitty and Brett will colead this new one with White and Aztec with some familiar faces.

I would like to lay out what I believe as a good successful clan. If you think this will be a good fit for you, then please join. We welcome you :

1. Respect Respect Respect. We respect each other. Although we take war seriously and everyone needs to do their best to win stars for the clan, I believe we still have to respect each other that we all have a life outside of the clan.

2. No immature players regardless age

3. Work together as a team to war smart so we can win together

4. Have fun! It's a stress relief place. So come and decompress. Don't have drama and don't talk politics.

5. Enjoy comps. You can win $$$ either iTune or google cards.

Thank you!